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<root>­/­mirrors­/­amigascne­/­Scrollers­/­F-Groupstext­/­Fix Ltd/FixLtd-Cr4DSportsDriving.nfo

File size:
4 687 bytes (4.58K)
File date:
2011-11-12 23:04:09
Download count:
all-time: 266


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 pRESENTS: 4d Drive AGA-FIXED! [1/2] <--- aGAIN! a fAKE
!wE dON't nEEd iNFo-fILEs fOr mAJORs

 pRESENTS: 4d Drive AGA-FIXED! [2/2] 
!wE dON't nEEd iNFo-fILEs fOr mAJORs! <--- HAHA! SYSTEM X KINGS of Videotracker


First there is nothing fixed at this game 

They only removed the Crystal Intro

1.New Startup

st 10000

2.OLD Startup

Crystal strikes again!
st 10000

3. 1st try ???

Crystal strikes again!
st 10000
c:kick1.3start <--------- HAHA! Nice fixing ....

But its works ????

Yes, but only with HARDDISK

If you turnoff, the HD in the early Startup it doesent work (very lame) 


How lame ???

Well,the Intro from sYSTEM X is Made with VideoTracker AGA (Demomaker) 


HD Version Possible ?

Yes,just copy all files in a dir of your choice !!!

There was also a HD installer on the 1st Disk but sYstem x deleted them

why ???? 

Well the installer fucked up because sYSTEM X renamend the Disk Names

How lame can they Go ??? I dont know ...


Okey thats it for today c u 

              \\|//                  \\|//                  \\|//
              ()-()                  ()-()                  ()-()

aRaYa/FiX: tHe 100% Disk Version for standard 1200er coming soon ...

                      The Faces Behind [·FIX LTD·] Are

               · Alzheimer · aRaYa · bUd wEiSeR · Clark Gaybel ·

            · oPTIMIZEr · oXbOw! · rAMIS! · tRUESTONER! · Yogybaer


                                [*] FIX Ltd [*]

                              · wE fIX yOU pLAY! ·

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ________.___________.______- -------- -+---.
\_   ___|_    _/   _|    _/     FIX LTD.   |
/     ___/    ¬\_  \__   ¬\_- --+- --------:
      ¬\________/    \_____/ wE fIX U pLAY |
________\-zS!/________\·--------- -+- -----:
        sYSTEM X - 4d Drive AGA-FAKE!      |
-----------------------·--------- -+- -----'